Why You Should Create a Living Will

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As you get older, it’s important to start thinking about and preparing for the end of your life. Even if you are still healthy and able to live completely independently, the unfortunate truth is that accidents can happen at any time. Because of this uncertainty, our team at the office of Robert G. Spaugh, Attorney at Law, encourages you to start the estate planning process early, just in case. In this article, we’ll focus on a particularly important part of that process: the making of a living will. Keep reading to learn more about what a living will is and why you should make one.

Why You Should Create a Living Will

First, we’ll cover what, exactly, a living will is. If you become severely ill or suffer an extreme injury, you may become unable to make your own decisions or communicate your wishes to medical staff. The purpose of a living will is to communicate those wishes for you. In this legal document, you can outline what kinds of medical care you want to receive in these kinds of scenarios, as well as what treatments you want to avoid. You can also describe the specific conditions in which each of your choices applies.

We encourage you to make a living will because it allows you to make sure your wishes concerning your own care are known and respected, even if you become unable to communicate those wishes to your care team. In addition, making a living will takes the burden of those decisions off your loved ones’ shoulders. They will not have to guess what you would have wanted, and that will provide a measure of peace in a bad situation. We also strongly recommend making a living will if your views on life support and other end-of-life care measures differ from those of your family—with this document on file, no one will be able to circumvent your wishes.

To learn more about living wills or get started creating your own, we encourage you to reach out to our office.

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